Putting more Social in Business

Nick Mack's Blog

Have you ever just sat at home one day and wondered “what do I want to do for the rest of my life?” If your anything like me, then you have an idea where you want to go with your career, but there is something that’s holding you back.

I’m currently finishing up my third year of marketing, and I find myself at the point where I have to start pondering the career path that I would like to take. Obviously there are a wide variety of jobs in the marketing field. One job that I’ve had my eye on is working with my Dad’s company. His company is called X5 Management. What is X5 you ask? X5 is an Edmonton, Alberta based firm with a team of Business Process Coaches & Facilitators. X5 helps improve business process through people.  The target customer is companies look at improving their business. Their…

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